4.3 Menu and Pickers

dewi ayu paraswati
11 min readFeb 17, 2019

Task 1: Add items to the options menu

  • Open content_main.xml and click the Text tab to see the XML code. The app:layout_behavior for the ConstraintLayout is set to @string/appbar_scrolling_view_behavior, which controls how the screen scrolls in relation to the app bar at the top. (This string resource is defined in a generated file called values.xml, which you should not edit.)
  • Open activity_main.xml and click the Text tab to see the XML code for the main layout, which uses a CoordinatorLayout layout with an embedded AppBarLayout layout. The CoordinatorLayout and the AppBarLayout tags require fully qualified names that specify android.support.design, which is the Android Design Support Library.
  • Run the app. Notice the bar at the top of the screen showing the name of the app (Droid Cafe). It also shows the action overflow button (three vertical dots) on the right side. Tap the overflow button to see the options menu, which at this point has only one menu option, Settings.
  • Examine the AndroidManifest.xml file. The .MainActivity activity is set to use the NoActionBar theme. This theme is defined in the styles.xml file (open app > res >values > styles.xml to see it). Styles are covered in another lesson, but you can see that the NoActionBar theme sets the windowActionBar attribute to false (no window app bar), and the windowNoTitle attribute to true (no title). These values are set because you are defining the app bar with AppBarLayout, rather than using an ActionBar. Using one of the NoActionBar themes prevents the app from using the native ActionBar class to provide the app bar.
  • Look at MainActivity, which extends AppCompatActivity and starts with the onCreate() method, which sets the content view to the activity_main.xmllayout and sets toolbar to be the Toolbar defined in the layout. It then calls setSupportActionBar() and passes toolbar to it, setting the toolbar as the app bar for the Activity.
  1. 2 Add more menu items to the options menu
  • Expand res > menu in the Project > Android pane, and open menu_main.xml. The only menu item provided from the template is action_settings (the Settingschoice), which is defined as
  • Change the following attributes of the action_settings item to make it the action_contact item (don't change the existing android:orderInCategoryattribute)
  • Extract the hard-coded string "Contact" into the string resource action_contact.
  • Add a new menu item using the <item> tag within the <menu> block, and give the item the following attributes
  • Extract the hard-coded string "Order" into the string resource action_order.
  • Add two more menu items the same way with the following attributes.
  • Extract "Status" into the resource action_status, and "Favorites" into the resource action_favorites.
  • You will display a Toast message with an action message depending on which menu item the user selects. Open strings.xml and add the following string names and values for these messages.
  • Open MainActivity, and change the if statement in the onOptionsItemSelected() method replacing the id action_settings with the new id action_order
  • Run the app, and tap the action overflow icon, shown on the left side of the figure below, to see the options menu, shown on the right side of the figure below. You will soon add callbacks to respond to items selected from this menu.

Task 2: Add icons for menu items

2.1 Add icons for menu items

  • Expand res in the Project > Android pane, and right-click (or Control-click) the drawable folder.
  • Choose New > Image Asset. The Configure Image Asset dialog appears.
  • Choose Action Bar and Tab Items in the drop-down menu.
  • Change ic_action_name to another name (such as ic_status_info for the Status icon).
  • Click the clip art image (the Android logo next to Clipart:) to select a clip art image as the icon. A page of icons appears. Click the icon you want to use.
  • Choose HOLO_DARK from the Theme drop-down menu. This sets the icon to be white against a dark-colored (or black) background. Click Next and then click Finish.

2.2 Show the menu items as icons in the app bar

  • Open menu_main.xml again, and add the following attributes to the Order, Status, and Favorites items so that the first two (Order and Status) always appear, and the Favorites item appears only if there is room for it.
  • Run the app. You should now see at least two icons in the app bar: the icon for Orderand the icon for Status as shown on the left side of the figure below. (The Favoritesand Contact options appear in the overflow menu.)
  • Rotate your device to the horizontal orientation, or if you’re running in the emulator, click the Rotate Left or Rotate Right icons to rotate the display into the horizontal orientation. You should then see all three icons in the app bar for Order, Status, and Favorites.

Task 3: Handle the selected menu item

3.1 Create a method to display the menu choice

  • Open MainActivity.
  • If you haven’t already added the following method (in another lesson) for displaying a Toast message, add it now. You will use it as the action to take for each menu choice. (Normally you would implement an action for each menu item such as starting another Activity, as shown later in this lesson.)
public void displayToast(String message) {
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), message,

3.2 Use the onOptionsItemSelected event handler

  • ind the onOptionsItemSelected() method provided by the template. The method determines whether a certain menu item was clicked, using the menu item's id. In the example below, the id is action_order
public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
int id = item.getItemId();
if (id == R.id.action_order) {
return true;
return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);
  • Replace the int id assignment statement and the if statement with the following switch case block, which sets the appropriate message based on the menu item's id
  • Run the app. You should now see a different Toast message on the screen, as shown on the right side of the figure below, based on which menu item you choose.

3.3 Start an Activity from a menu item

  • Normally you would implement an action for each menu item, such as starting another Activity. Referring the snippet from the previous task, change the code for the action_order case to the following, which start OrderActivity (using the same code you used for the floating action button in the lesson on using clickable images):
switch (item.getItemId()) {
case R.id.action_order:
Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, OrderActivity.class);
intent.putExtra(EXTRA_MESSAGE, mOrderMessage);
return true;
// ... code for other cases
  • Run the app. Clicking the shopping cart icon in the app bar (the Order item) takes you directly to the OrderActivity screen.

Task 4: Use a dialog to request a user’s choice

4.1 Create a new app to show an alert dialog

  • Create a new project called Dialog For Alert based on the Empty Activity template.
  • Open the activity_main.xml layout file to show the layout editor.
  • Edit the TextView element to say Hello World! Tap to test the alert: instead of "Hello World!"
  • Add a Button under the TextView. (Optional: Constrain the button to the bottom of the TextView and the sides of the layout, with margins set to 8dp.)
  • Set the text of the Button to Alert.
  • Switch to the Text tab, and extract the text strings for the TextView and Buttonto string resources.
  • Add the android:onClick attribute to the button to call the click handler onClickShowAlert(). After you enter it, the click handler is underlined in red because it has not yet been created.

4.2 Add an alert dialog to the main activity

  • Open MainActivity and add the beginning of the onClickShowAlert() method
  • Add the code to set the title and the message for the alert dialog to onClickShowAlert() after the comment
  • Extract the strings above to string resources as alert_title and alert_message.
  • Add the OK and Cancel buttons to the alert with setPositiveButton() and setNegativeButton() methods.
  • Extract the strings for OK and Cancel to string resources as ok_button and cancel_button, and extract the strings for the Toast messages.
  • At the end of the onClickShowAlert() method, add show(), which creates and then displays the alert dialog

Task 5: Use a picker for user input

5.1 Create a new app to show a date picker

  • Create a new project called Picker For Date based on the Empty Activity template.
  • Open the activity_main.xml layout file to show the layout editor.
  • Edit the TextView element's "Hello World!" text to Hello World! Choose a date:.
  • Add a Button underneath the TextView. (Optional: Constrain the Button to the bottom of the TextViewand the sides of the layout, with margins set to 8dp.)
  • Set the text of the Button to Date.
  • Switch to the Text tab, and extract the strings for the TextView and Button to string resources.
  • Add the android:onClick attribute to the Button to call the click handler showDatePicker(). After entering it, the click handler is underlined in red because it has not yet been created.

5.2 Create a new fragment for the date picker

  • Expand app > java > com.example.android.pickerfordate and select MainActivity.
  • Choose File > New > Fragment > Fragment (Blank), and name the fragment DatePickerFragment. Clear all three checkboxes so that you don’t create a layout XML, include fragment factory methods, or include interface callbacks. You don’t need to create a layout for a standard picker. Click Finish.
  • Open DatePickerFragment and edit the DatePickerFragment class definition to extend DialogFragmentand implement DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener to create a standard date picker with a listener. See Pickers for more information about extending DialogFragment for a date picker:
public class DatePickerFragment extends DialogFragment
implements DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener {

As you enter DialogFragment and DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener, Android Studio automatically adds several import statements to the import block at the top, including:

import android.app.DatePickerDialog;
import android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment;
  • Click the red bulb icon and choose Implement methods from the popup menu. A dialog appears with onDateSet() already selected and the Insert @Override option selected. Click OK to create the empty onDateSet() method. This method will be called when the user sets the date.

After adding the empty onDateSet() method, Android Studio automatically adds the following in the import block at the top:

import android.widget.DatePicker;

The onDateSet() parameters should be int i, int i1, and int i2. Change the names of these parameters to ones that are more readable:

public void onDateSet(DatePicker datePicker, 
int year, int month, int day)
  • Remove the empty public DatePickerFragment() public constructor.
  • Replace the entire onCreateView() method with onCreateDialog() that returns Dialog, and annotate onCreateDialog() with @NonNull to indicate that the return value Dialog can't be null. Android Studio displays a red bulb next to the method because it doesn't return anything yet.
public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  • Add the following code to onCreateDialog() to initialize the year, month, and day from Calendar, and return the dialog and these values to the Activity. As you enter Calendar.getInstance(), specify the import to be java.util.Calendar.
// Use the current date as the default date in the picker.
final Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
int year = c.get(Calendar.YEAR);
int month = c.get(Calendar.MONTH);
int day = c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
// Create a new instance of DatePickerDialog and return it.
return new DatePickerDialog(getActivity(), this, year, month, day);

5.4 Modify the main activity

  • Open MainActivity.
  • Add the showDatePickerDialog() handler for the Date Button. It creates an instance of FragmentManager using getSupportFragmentManager() to manage the Fragment automatically, and to show the picker. For more information about the Fragment class, see Fragments.
public void showDatePicker(View view) {
DialogFragment newFragment = new DatePickerFragment();
  • Extract the string "datePicker" to the string resource datepicker.
  • Run the app. You should see the date picker after tapping the Date button.

5.5 Use the chosen date

  • Open MainActivity and add an empty processDatePickerResult() method that takes the year, month, and day as arguments:
public void processDatePickerResult(int year, int month, int day) {
  • Add the following code to the processDatePickerResult() method to convert the month, day, and year to separate strings, and to concatenate the three strings with slash marks for the U.S. date format:
String month_string = Integer.toString(month+1);
String day_string = Integer.toString(day);
String year_string = Integer.toString(year);
String dateMessage = (month_string +
"/" + day_string + "/" + year_string);
  • Add the following after the code above to display a Toast message:
Toast.makeText(this, "Date: " + dateMessage, 
  • Extract the hard-coded string "Date: " into a string resource named date.
  • Open DatePickerFragment, and add the following to the onDateSet() method to invoke processDatePickerResult() in MainActivity and pass it the year, month, and day:
public void onDateSet(DatePicker datePicker,
int year, int month, int day) {
MainActivity activity = (MainActivity) getActivity();
activity.processDatePickerResult(year, month, day);
  • Run the app. After selecting the date, the date appears in a Toast message as shown on the right side of the following figure.

